5e whip feat

This makes me want to play Trevor. It pains me to say that the most powerful whip I created was not for anyone in the Castlevania series. How to play with pets in D&D - Blizzard Watch +1 to a specific attribute is a pretty standard 'half-feat' and so is fine. New weapon properties are not for everyone, it seems! It holds a maximum of 3 charges of the paladinsDivine Sense ability. While I have a different philosophy, I totally understand people who prefer things official and simple, and so I went back to the drawing board. Some content found on this page may not be suitable for play at your table. I don't love the acrobatics check to shove or pull. Plus one superiority die alone is a bit underwhelming. Would you use them in your game? Seriously, this thing is ridiculous. How Does Dual Wielding Work in DnD 5e? (An Easy Guide) - Role Player's Heres what my Anti-Tank Eldritch Knight uses the Whip for. Design Notes: At first glance this might seem a little overpowered, but then if we consider that Polearm Master feat allows you to attack with 1d10 (main attack) + 1d4 (bonus attack), at 10 feet range, adding your Strength bonus to both, AND get opportunity attacks on those entering your reach, I think this feat falls just short of that. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Whip Mastery (Combat) - d20PFSRD I say theoretically because theaction economy does come into play here. Or I could build in a limited Defensive Duelist-style parry add your proficiency bonus to your AC but only a number of times equal to your Dex modifier per rest.? You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform in conjunction with a thrown dagger attack: Disarming Attack, Distracting Attack and Precision Attack*. The great thing about feats is only the people interested in them have to learn them, and the DM doesnt have to remember that the scimitar has the parry property for all their NPCs for example (as with my previous, properties-driven attempt to address this problem). Every class has access to a Feat called Magic Initiate. Charm Monster is a bit more powerful, so I gave it a cost of 3 charges to keep it in line with similar items that value a 4th level spell at 3 charges. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with an axe: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Parry (Handaxe only), Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack (Battleaxe and Greataxe only), Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. I love your feats but considering how recent changes with WotC material has changed abilities from 1 time per short or long rest to number of times equal to your prof bonus per long rest I might consider that change for most of these feats. Thats a hefty chunk of your action economyto pull off this maneuver. Both Monk (Kensei) and Rogue can use it to deliver high damage at reach. Optimized Feat Guide for D&D 5E - Tabletop Builds I suspect some will see it as overpowered, but Im not inclined to worry too much about game balance. The Abyssal Whip is a powerful weapon and extremely accurate. While you are wielding a whip, other creatures within your whip reach provoke an opportunity attack from you when they stand up from prone while within reach of your weapon. Btw, did you mean to post the comment here, on my dedicated PAM article? War caster 5e feat cantrip dnd | Combining Warlock features & Whip Acid Arrow (2nd), Range: 90 feet: 4d4 + 2d4 acid damage (with guaranteed damage even on miss) is great to be able to apply from range and past cover. You gain one superiority dice to fuel your known maneuvers, which is a d6. 5th Edition D&D design tries to avoid class features and feats that support specific weapons. Press J to jump to the feed. Tools. Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or Higher. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. While you are wielding a whip, other creatures within your whip reach provoke an opportunity attack from you when they stand up from prone. The Montreal herald, mercredi 23 mars 1904 | BAnQ numrique Message PHB: Too situational. Alternatively, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to cast the following: protection from poison, shillelagh (transforming the bow into a snake-headed 1 quarterstaff), thorn whip (causing one of the bow's snake heads to lash out). The main problem with whips (beyond the low damage die) is that they don't get to benefit from the Polearm Master feat like other reach weapons, which then chains into the Sentinel feat combo. The result is, I think, a really cool feat (you can find it below), that offers plenty of flexibility in combat situations, which still falls within the power balance of a 5e feat. You gain two superiority dice, which are d6s. Effectively its an additional 5% chance of doing an additional 3.5, 4.5 or 6.5 damage, depending on the axe in question. Select a feat from the list to view it here: Manage Homebrew . First of all, whips arent light weapons. Whips are really weak compared to other martial weapons and I'm trying to balance things out a bit using the ideas and mechanics behind of the "Revenant Blade" and the "Polearm Master" feats. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a whip: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Lunging Attack, Sweeping Attack, Trip Attack and Brace (UA)*. That being said, there was really no way to recreateGhost Riders Chain in D&D 5e without making it a legendary magical item. The whip wouldnt replace a dagger for rogues either. Here's a really silly idea: vuman Hexblade 1 / Lore Bard 5 / Arcane Trickster X, starting with Spell Sniper, Reach Booming Blade shenanigans, and plenty of wrathful smites from Hexblade with bard slots, using cutting words on their checks to break it. Youve Got to Roll With It was published in the national broadsheet, The Independent. Can you maintain a grapple you are no longer capable of initiating? In general, this option is a perfect mix of the Bladesingers strengths (mobility, martial options, single target damage output, versatility of a wizard) while mitigating some of the downsides (survivability). -Trip: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or be Prone If it stacks many will say a critical range of 18-20 (15%) for levels 3 through 14, and 17-20 (20%) for levels 15+ is overpowered. As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. -Damage: 2D4. Will One D&D Patch Up The 5e Armour Table? The net is a weird weapon that complicates the game a bit, but might be fun to experiment. Its been a while since my last homebrew post on here, so I figured for my birthday and the release of Super Smash Bros. Its a travesty that I cannot make a character in the spitting image of Simon Belmont without feeling like the whip is the least powerful part of the character. I did finally add the same restriction to recovering expended dice, as the Sword Master feat, for the same reasons given previously. A die is expended when you use it. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. -Push/Pull/Bind: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or is moved 5/bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds Feats | Unearthed Arcana | Dungeons & Dragons *Plus Blinding Attack and Disabling Attack from this list. Stacking hexblade (cha to damage), thirsty blade (+cha with your hex weapon), oathbreaker paladin's aura of hatred (+cha to weapon), and dueling fighting style (+2 to damage) can make any weapon pretty fierce. Additionally, you gain proficiency with cook's utensils if you aren't already getting it from some other source. Disarming Attack? Mind Sliver TCoE: Intelligence saves tend to be low, so this is easy, reliable damage at range. Is this homebrew Way of the Force monk subclass balanced compared to the official monk subclasses? With that being said, lets make a feat to give a whip wieldersome tools to provide this type of crowd control using a whip. This allows closing and lateral movement and imparts no other restrictions on the creature's actions. Shadow Whip. I should probably include that. Thorny Ki. Got my knowledge enhanced regarding the weapons feat and their creation. You regain one expended superiority dice when you finish a short rest, and two expended superiority dice when you finish a long rest. If theyre willing to use a whip instead of any of the other great one-handed weapons theyre not heavily invested in dealing a lot of damage. Monk Weapons 5e: A Comprehensive Guide - gamecows.com This feat seems to be generally on par with one of the other big melee, crowd control feats: Sentinel. This feats main problem is its busted on a rogue. I like craft beer, vintage clothes, street festivals and Dungeons & Dragons. 9 NEW Weapon Feats for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons When you attack with an axe, your critical range extends by 1 and you score a critical hit on a 19 or 20. There are so many examples in media of whips being used to restrain or trip an adversary. Also, just to clarify, do you want this to only work when they hit with their attack? (Skills with Different Abilities variant rule). If you succeed, you either knock the target prone or pull it 5 feet toward from you. Eszteban, the Archmage of the Gossamer Robe Order, hides atop his tower in the Gleaming Cloud Citadel, denying his fellow wizards access to the knowledge of the Upper Library with a series of deadly traps and obstacles. I had to go back to my days ofWorld of Warcraft when I played a Warlock duringThe Burning Crusade for this whip. They are a one-handed finesse weapon with reach. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Using indicator constraint with two variables. Now that Ive done some research, I see Im not the first person to think of this Mike Mearls himself had a go at brewing up some new weapon feats back in 2016. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? This feat allows a character to choose one level 1 spell from another class. Taking a look at the whips mechanics we can clearly see that theres a niche carved out for the whip. As the players get embroiled in the librarys tangled web of politics and personal enmities, dark forces are at work trying to uncover Candlekeeps fabled Vault of Secrets. Youve got Indiana Jones, Catwoman, and most importantly, Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider. So I didnt quite get around to sickle, trident and war pick, nor blow gun, darts, net or sling, but between the martial feats in the Players Handbook and these, I think 95% of peoples weapon fantasies should be covered by now! Another house rule of mine that affects PAM is that opportunity attacks provoke opportunity attacks from other hostile creatures within reach. -Disarm: Succeeds, item drops at Targets feet https://www.hipstersanddragons.com/polearm-master-feat-5e-dnd/. The Polearm Master feat ends up doing the same thing but with a much more common trigger, right? (Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade). Its also a holy weapon made specifically to, you guessed it, kill vampires. D&D Player Bundle. Why won't Bardic cantrips like Vicious Mockery or Thunderclap work with Spell Sniper? I believe the blow gun, darts, and sling benefit from Sharpshooter and so arguably dont need their own feat. When wielding a rapier or scimitar, you gain the following benefits: *Plus Acrobatic Attack, Acrobatic Defense, Blinding Strike, Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Defensive Feint, Defensive Stance, Disabling Strike, Preemptive Strike, Showboating Attack, and Whirlwind Defense, if you want to include these new Battle Master maneuvers. D&D 5E How can the whip be optimized as a weapon? - EN World To do so, make a Dexterity check to which you can add your proficiency bonus if you are proficient with whips contested by the other creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. I feel like this had to have been an oversight or something. Daggers also are able to become thrown weapons in a pinch. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? I found your article very responsive and easy to understand. The special attack of the Abyssal Whip in Runescape was to drain an enemy players run speed. In the Castlevania series,Vampire Killer, is an artifact of the Belmont Clan and has been passed down many generations to slay Dracula wherever and whenever he pops up. DnD: How to Build Castlevania's Simon Belmont in 5e Secondly, knocking a creature prone can be a risky maneuver since theyll gain some additional defenses against the attacks of your ranged party members. Id additionally rule that the spear is a reach weapon. Want a Sorcerer with a pet weasel? If you take the feat Spell Sniper you can use the melee cantrips with the whip as well. Between bashing out new Battle Master maneuvers and fine tuning all of the above feats, not to mention playing in two campaigns and DMing a third, Ive been spending a crazy about of time thinking about, playing and creating stuff around Dungeons & Dragons recently. of movement while imposing therestrained condition on an enemy that they could still hit with a one-handed weapon. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. More than just a combat-focused adventure, Dragonbowl is a Bacchanalian-style festival with its own economy and ecology.. A die is expended when you use it. Components: V, S, M (area of dim light or darkness). A plus 1 is very meh, but clearly a shield is still useful so a +2 is too strong. When a creature hits you with a melee attack which you can see, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially parrying the blow. Great Weapon Master / Sharpshooter 1. Cunning players can combine this with the Invisibility spell and the Whispers Bard ability Words of Terror to plant disembodied voices in a victim's head. Ive been thinking that since most combats only last a couple of rounds, and typically parties are able to rest between combats, that two superiority dice makes this feat a bit too strong, and compromises The Battle Master a bit too much. Chef Feat in D&D 5e Explained | Useful or Pie in the Sky? @jgn A campaign where one of my players wants to use a whip all the time. Design Notes: For ages Ive been debating how to get across (what I see as) the flails main advantage, the ability to strike over or around a shield. They dont need extra bonuses to their maneuverability withcunning action. So with that in mind, I wanted to create a whip that could serve as a solid offensive weapon, but have the ability to charm creatures as well. I took inspiration from theOld School version of the Abyssal Whip for this interpretation. And thus, the Whip Master feat gave me my formula for virtually all of the Weapon Master Feats you can now find below. Divine Strike using a whip would be fun. You know who doesnt have proficiency with whips? I think it depends whether "optimizing a whip" means taking the whip as a given and trying to build the most effective character within that set of constraints, or whether it means "finding a niche where using a whip is better than other available weapon choices". You also dont have disadvantage on attack rolls in close quarters and passageways that are at least 5 feet on every side. Compendium. Is it Unearthed Arcana or in a book? War caster 5e feat in dnd prerequisite: The ability to cast at a Minimum of One spell. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. Im curious if you have had a chance to play this? Castlevania's Simon Belmont is an iconic protagonist who can be turned into a versatile slayer of the undead using Dungeons & Dragons' rules. And halving damage is something we should be used to with Dexterity saving throws etc.. What I like about it is that clerics often fight with blunt weapons and this pairs well with the war clerics Divine Strike ability, or even the paladins Divine Smite (my intention is that damage dice from divine powers would do full damage. You gain the following benefits: Does this seem balanced when compared to other feats? If the likes of Hypnotic Pattern or Banishment (to name two of my pet peeves) were not in the official rules, and you as an outsider tried to insert them, youd be torn apart for your poor grasp of the 5th edition design principles and inability to balance new mechanics. Its a little untidy, esp. I would have thought the Swashbuckler pretty much covers duelling! He can also set the chain ablaze, hence the additional fire damage andFlame Tongue-esque light. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Dont be giving me none of your house rules. When I came upon the solution I knew it was right (It was originally once per round, but after a suggestion in the comments section I amended to once per attack action, to fit in with action surge). Im thinking about adding the Reach property to this feat now that you suggest it! If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (your choice). It gives them a reliable way to get a reaction attack which they can do sneak attack damage with. Design Notes: You could rename this Shuriken Master for a ninja-themed Dungeons & Dragons campaign! - ranged "grapple" and then attack? Because of this Ghost Riders Chain deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage instead of 1d4 like the rest of the whips. He turns to +1 bonuses a lot, which I find rather boring and flavourless, with a high fiddle to reward ratio, and some of the other mechanics seem a bit clumsy too. I cannot recommend this HIGHLY enough.

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