native american and egyptian similarities

For decades, Cairo in Egypt was, and in some ways still is, the combined Hollywood and New York for film and . Tara MacIsaac is an Epoch Times reporter based in Toronto. Heres proof that there are so many similarities similarities you may have never known: When you first look at modern Egypt today, what do you see? America will never confess to her crimes of the enslavement of the biblical Israelites. In Kussman's article she points out that all the similarities between the stories have not been considered much because for the early settlers in Canada, the idea that a Native creation story could be anything like a Christian one was unthinkable. Massive Similarities Between Different World Mythologies. Neither historical events nor cross-cultural currents can explain the unique parallels in the myths and imagery of ancient Egypt and India. Cherokee name for the Holy Spirit: Loak- Ishthoollo- Aba, the great, beneficent, supreme, Holy Spirit of fire The Cherokee God is a triune that is One being named: El- o- HeyM In Cherokee, Au- Do- NiV- Du is the word for Lord. There is some similarity with the word Adonai, used by Hebrew- speakers. Could Ancient Greek Myths Hint at Contact With South America? The bald eagle! A phoenix in disguise!!! Home / / native american and egyptian similarities. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. Atia was said to be a place full of high alabaster temples, one of which was very spacious, and was built as a meeting-place for gods and men. At this place, one found sporting competitions, games, feasts to the gods, meetings of great chiefs, and the origin of wars that caused people to spread over the Pacific. Chinese followed the principle of low and long buildings. Both teams say they could be seeing the same signal, but "without comparing the data, it's really hard to tell," says archaeogeneticist Cosimo Posth of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, the first author of the Cell paper. In some cases like shown in Source 4, an American Indian woman is seen smoking from a cigarette. Since the ancient lowan stele shows these groups were traveling and working together as far from the Mideast as the interior of North America indicates that this alliance clearly did have the international power and impact the Bible attributes to it. Do anyone check the document census records, probate court records to confirm the slavery? Of course: The Nile River! Native American Names Adair offers a perspective on the culture Yates cannot. By looking for genetic similarities between far-flung samples, both papers add detailsome of it puzzlingto this pattern. In Salinan Indian Creation Story, there are resemblances both to Greek mythology and to the Bible. They also emphasize that the story continued in the thousands of years since, revealing previously undocumented, large-scale movements between North and South America. I can only speak from my experiences and memories of when this subject came up around Cherokee elders. You want the truth the Negros are both the Egyptians and Hebrew, they have been building Pyramids all over north and south american today called mounds and moundbuilders their makers. there is no special similarity between Mesoamerican and Ancient Egyptian writing systems. They usually focus their values around food but are not interested in everyone getting fed; they are only interested in feeding the main power source. Though much of the Cherokee culture has been lost, noted Yates in his book Cherokee Clans, what can still be discovered about the legends hints at ancestors who came across the sea and whose language was similar to ancient Greek. For the Cherokee, everything had its proper place. Yin and Yang represent the Balance in thing ,in black theres still white and in white theres still black . DNA gleaned from a roughly 14,000-year-old fragment of a human tooth suggests that people inhabiting a surprisingly large swath of Asia were the ancestors . The signal doesn't appear in any other of the team's samples, "somehow leaping over all of North America in a single bound," says co-author and archaeologist David Meltzer of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. James Adair, an 18th century settler who traded with Native Americans for 40 years, wrote that their language, customs, and social structures were similar to those of the Israelites. Ancient DNA confirms Native Americans' deep roots in North and South America. DNA studies confirm a mixture of "anomalous" East Mediterranean mitochondrial lineages such as Egyptian T, Greek U and Phoenician X with "standard" American Indian haplogroups A, B, C and D in the Cherokee and certain other Eastern Woodlands Indians. In fact Det.28:1-68 Shows that the so called Negro Native American Hispanic are in fact the tru children of God (Israelites) Alternate tribes were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Since it was found in Iowa of the United States, it had to wait approximately a century to be understood. These are just a few of the examples that show us what could be ancient Hebraic influence among the Cherokee, as enumerated by James Adair. Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as . Acknowledging and exploring a hidden history of interaction. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. Egyptians were polytheistic. It was mostly whites that were slaves, not indentured. Hebrew artifacts strewn throughtout the Americas from the N-S as four renown Mexican scholars agree the Negro were the first occupants ie Professor Constantine Rafinesque, Vicente Riva Palacio, Carlos Cuervo Marquez and Dr Nicolas Leo. While his obsession with foreign women and their gods led eventually to the downfall of Solomon (1 Kings 11), we see that during this period there was a strong relationship being cemented between Egypt, Phoenicia (Tyre and Sidon), and Israel. This shows the power that the Oracle had, which comes from the belief of the people that the Oracle could tell the future or connect them to the deceased. Note how about 30% of American land lies EAST of the River, with the other 70% WEST. The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas shared some similarities like farming practices, social structures, military defenses and the worship of multiple gods. There are similarities between place names in Bengal and Egypt and recently an Egyptian scholar, El Mansouri, has pointed out that in both Egypt and India the worship of cow, sun, snake . There are over a hundred different world mythologies that we know of today. pyramids and ziggurats. These scriptures are relevent to the truth you have dicovered. Hispanics are not Hebrews neither are the modern day Native Americans nor any other mongoloid culture throughtout S America who possess Spanish inbreeding. As with the indigenous (people who originally lived in a geographic location) cultures of South America, those of North America were diverse. The Cherokee and Yokyut tribes are no different in that they have great resemblance, yet the tales are told through different contexts. These reference populations are used to generate your ancestry percentages. It was ruled by multiple pharaohs, one of the most important being Queen Hatshepsut as she was the first female pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, other groups headed south. indicates that they had been cooperating together for a considerable period of time. Amen. Only men were chiefs in the Apache tribe. I'll describe 3 deities from each religion and let you decide what is similar and different about each. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. Boys, when they were younger, would spend time with their mothers, staying in their huts and listed to stories, The first tribe I will be talking about is the Navajo tribe. google_ad_channel =""; This One Predicts The Hoover Dam Collapse!!! Native American tribes all have their own unique views of just how the world and civilization came to be. It is obvious the ancient traditions were the same despite the vast distance separating these cultures. Would you like to help support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages? The Maya organized themselves into small city-states instead of one big empire. They are less respected and are bossed around by their husbands, who were allowed to beat their wives should they do something wrong. Was America ever under the period of ENSLAVEMENT? Cherokee carried a sacred ark before them into battle. Native American Words In both Hebrew and Cherokee cultures, days are counted from sundown. Although the cultivation of corn had made its way north, many Indians still practiced hunting and gathering. //-->. Further, during the Assyrian invasion of 722 B.C. Among the major differences between Native American and contemporary European societies: Despite complex development, no Indian tribes developed the use of metal tools and weapons. Egyptians started around 3150 B.C and had its highest peak at 30 B.C. Apparently, ancient explorations and settlements were concentrated on the major inland waterways of America, as much of the evidence of their presence has been found in such locales. Next came men who were ordered depending on how many titles they had, how wealthy they were, and how strong they were. The creation myths tell two polar opposite stories about how human kind came to be on Earth. A creation myth (or cosmogonic myth) is a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. Today American/Egypt is ruled by Rome/England-Pope. and two more process. Egypt vs. Mesoamerica 10 similarities between both Ancient civilizations Often Ancient Egypt is compared with Mesopotamia. Their detailed belief system, fundamental beliefs, significant meanings, and their connection to song and dance make up their religious system. Some linguistic parallels have also been drawn between the Native American languages and Egyptian and Hebrew. But the, And yet Reich says his data, like thoseofthe, Mysterious link emerges between Native Americans and people half a globe away. Citing--among other things--the huge Negroid-looking Olmec heads of Central Mexico and the similarities between the Aztec and Egyptian calendars and pyramid structures, Van Sertima pieces together a hidden history of pre-Columbian contact between Africans and Native Americans. "The numbers [of samples] are just extraordinary," says Ben Potter, an archaeologist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. Everyone in their community did not share the work. Many people think American Indians are descended from Mongolian people. But the set of differences makes each myth almost unique. Cherokee men made political decisions for the tribe. "A key difference iswhen and how it arrived in the New World." No. The Ancient Egyptian creation story is one of the oldest known to us, predating the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible codified maybe c.650 BCE) by more than two thousand years. "How did it get there? Respect is a big part of our lives still. Interestingly, one of the reasons the stele was initially rejected was that it contained some signs resembling Hebrew and others resembling Phoenician. 29 This ancient stele contains joint inscriptions in three ancient Languages: Iberian- Punic (a language related to and descended from Phoenician and Hebrew), Egyptian, and ancient Libyan. For decades, scientists could describe the peopling of the Americas only in broad strokes, leaving plenty of mysteries about when and how people spread across the continents. As in Hebrew, Native American nouns have neither cases nor declensions, wrote Adair. As a result, says Jennifer Raff, an anthropological geneticist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, "The [genetic] models that we've been using to explain the peopling of the Americas have always been oversimplified.". They have several major similarities, like the basic influence of a strong supernatural force, that intruded to a total chaos and created the land, animals, humans and other parts of the environment. Your email address will not be published. ' Yates notes numerous other linguistic similarities. "They also carried an ark into battle, kept a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don't eat pork," maintains Riverwind. Both cultures had a daily sacrifice of fat including Peace Offerings, Sin Offerings, and Trespass Offerings. While some share similarities in their stories, others have a very different story to tell of how this world came to be. Peter Pan (1953) displayed just about every racial reduction of Native Americans, . That strengthened the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe's claim to the bones, which were returned to them in 2016 and reburied. The terms Iberian and Punic indicate languages which are closely related to and descended from the Phoenician/Hebrew language of King Hirams and King Solomons navies. The Cherokees white demigod Maui may have his roots in a Libyan leader of a fleet dispatched by the pharaoh Ptolemy III before 230 B.C., Yates explained. This includes personalizing content and advertising. Hit me up and lets talk sometime! The Bereshyt/Zep Tepi/Genesis 15:13,14 prophesied 400 years of captivity beginning 1619-2019 coincides with the 7,000 year conjunction of Virgo and Regulus Leo as it relates to Rev 12:1,2 woman clothed with the sun and moon beneath her feet in birthing pains ready to deliver the manchild Msshyac Immanuel and Hydra being contained by Ophicius the Serpent Bearer of the 13th leap month announcing, wait for it, the Feast of TrumPence on Sept 23, 2017. They were considered as civilised by white settlers because they had started using a significant number of the traditions grabbed from the colonists. Both genders took part in storytelling, artwork and music, and traditional medicine (Sharp, 2016) With the Cherokee roles where slightly different yet very simular. Today, there are 574 recognized Native American tribes according to both federal and state governments in the United States, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.While, of course, they do not now exist as completely separate and divided groups, and the people who belong to those tribes live anywhere they want, they still do carry . Mayans started around 200 A.D and reach its peak on 900 A.D. The Navajos are a native American tribe located in the Southwest region. Over the past twenty-five years of research into ancient civilisations, [] If you are a child of God who has left the Lord, wont you please repent and confess your sin to Him, being restored this very hour (Galatians 6:1; 1 John 1:9)? What sticks out? Anasazi And Algonquois Similarities. The Navajos grew cotton so they could make woven items like blankets; the Navajo would then trade the woven items to get things like bison meat, and other things that could be used to make tools or weapons. Whatothercity happens to siton a River? The Creator had to have valued these plants, father roles arrange marriages and controls the amount of education each child receives the father also chooses the careers for his son's. Although the presence of many of the virtuous Native American values is very meager today, this one still exists as a miniscule glimmer across our lives. He recorded the similarities within the Cherokee culture, traditions, laws, feast days and more that are similar or identical to the Torah that was given to the Jews and Gentiles at Mount Sinai. 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Women from the Apache tribe were in charge of the home a complete role reversal. Adapted from Rhagavan et al., Science Our regional populations are based on reference datasets representing 47 populations. Riverwind explained that while among his people, the ancient name for God is Yah Yah, among his wife's ancestors, the Cherokee, they called God YoHeWaH, a title with striking similarities to yud-ke-vav-keh. When Christopher Columbus first discovered America, he and his crews found a large population of people already inhabiting the land. Also notice the symbol of the Egyptian flagan eagle! The Old Testament is quite clear to inform us that there was often a close relationship between Israel and the Phoenicians. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. They are absolutely indigenous to this continent," Raff says. Both of these great wars were fought for a woman. Though it was rare for an Apache woman to become a warrior, girls learned to ride and shoot just as boys did, and women often helped to defend Apache villages when they were attacked.

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