colby community college honor roll

Sharon Springs Zackary Box. Students named to the Presidents Honor Roll and their hometowns are as follows: Abilene Heather Darling. Wayne Buckatunna:Cameron Scott Bradley, Kaleb G Carr and Jordan Elizabeth Sullivan. Lafayette, La:Zoe Wiltz. Lyman, Neb. Fort Worth, Texas: Kierra Henderson. Academic Honors | Columbia College Covington Collins:Mason Michael Broadus, Brylee Annabeth Holder, Macey Holifield and Kaylea AnnaYates. :Kelsey Stienbarger. Culbertson, Neb. Wayne Buckatunna: Carley G Beasley and Karina O Ross. Cailey Grabenstein. Fort Collins, Colo.: Moses Brown. Newton Hickory:Bethany Grace Chaney and Sidney Kathryn McGee. Price, Utah Makenna Pendergrass. Dresden: Candace Taylor. Emery Swan. Jones Soso: Paul Braxton Jefcoat, Sydney Denise Knotts, Holly Anne Miller, Katlyn Dawn Myrick, Carrie Ann Skidmore and Isaiah Christopher Spradley. Fort Worth, Texas:Kiarra Henderson. McPherson: Natalie Hedlund. Colby Kristen Brown, Kayla Cozza, Dakota Gipson, Sarah Oesterreich, Collin Rous, Heather Scott, Kelsey Shields, Lauren Shoaff, Kellan Ziegelmeier. Grand Island, Neb. Liberal Tyrik King. COLBY Colby Community College announced the names of students who earned a place on the spring 2021 honor rolls. Berea, Ohio:Tyler Hampu. Timioara, Timi, RO | Live Traffic Cameras & Local - Norton:Emily Rogers, Delilah Geringer. Bogalusa, LA:Kailee Alyssa Burge, Landry K Dupont and Dakota A Stogner. Washington Leland:Molly Marc Elizabeth Giachelli. Evolving from a traditional "junior college" to a full service community college/vocational school, HutchCC serves nearly 5,000 credit students every semester with a like number of individuals involved in community service and non-credit activities. Academics news | Butler Community College Johnson Caleb Carrasco. Dresden:Candace Taylor. Clarke Meridian:Erika Delaine Dotson and Hannah K Tingle. Kristine Lammers. Oakley:Wayne Flipse, Jenson Schoenfeld, John Stoecker. CCC Announces Fall 2021 Honor Roll - Coffeyville Community College High 73F. All Rights Reserved. Wamego: Abigail Ross. Smith Mize:Ethan Cade Byrd and Erin A Carter. Colby Prince. Ford: Candace Fry. South Jordan, Utah Sydnee Hoffman. Lamar, Neb. Parker, Colo.: Griffin Bruder. Butler Student Wins Broers Scholarship. The following honors and awards will be recognized at Pratt Community College: President's Honor Roll 4.0 Dean's Honor Roll 3.5 - 3.9. Norton:Emily Rogers, Angela Sorter. Bird City Savannah Isely. Palco: Natalie Bollig. Fall 2021 Honor Roll Recipients Announced [Garden City, KS] February 8, 2022 --Garden City Community College is proud to present our Fall 2021 Honor Roll recipients. France Alex Merle. :Abbygail Kinlock. Croatia Marija Kristina Mamic. Broomfield, Colo.:Blake Labuda. Rankin Brandon: Abigail E Boone, Karlye Kaye Flanagin, Emma Krystine Jackson, Terry James May, Ian Maxwell Samuel and Ashleigh Michelle Westbrook. Clarke Quitman:Madison L Dearman, Erin Presley Harris, Lainey R Parker and Landry L West. Leflore Greenwood:Deandrea Kentron Smith. Imperial, Neb. The pair will be honored on March 29 during the annual CCCAA Convention which will be . CCC announces spring honor rolls - Facebook Liberal: Sarah Mein. Jasper Laurel:Tyler Lane Brady, Sydney K Bryan, Abigail A Nichols and Nathan Alexander Riley. United Kingdom Joshua Edwards. Paola:Selah Hadle. College; Outdoors; Pigskin Picks 2022 . PlainvilleJustina Merritt. Colby Maclin on LinkedIn: Honor Roll Fall 2022 In-State for Web.pdf W, 70-49. Lawrence:Ryan Calmes. GCCC Oakley: Riley Chrisler, Carla Johnson. St. Francis Jodie Hilt, Shayla Hilt. Covington Collins:Kristlyn Nicole Parker, Casey Leann Beasley, O'nett Lorrell Booth, Eli Garrett Carter, Fredrick D Flowers, Takila Monquisha Yvette Graves, Tyler Michael McDaniel, Rashad Martez McNair, Keegan Luke Pickering, Deivyon L Thompson and Rayshaun D Walker. Mound Valley Shyanne Jones. The Colby Community College Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting more. Rolla:Melanie Norton. Dean's Honor Roll (PDF): Students have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours and have earned a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.99. Oakley: Paige Castigliano. Nan Lou Brown. Jackson Pascagoula:Seantelle Akia Smith. Downsville, La. Scott Morton: Lauren Elizabeth Revette and Joddrick Deshun Williams. Jones Soso:Danielle Denise Connelly, Juryen T Elias, Madison Alexandria Hendry, Cory Daniel Holifield, Kathryn E Hyatt, Maryanna Renee Jefcoat, Aubree Delane Johnson, Collin Alexander Jones, Dylan Michael Kelly, Deshawna Maria Kittler, Aaron William Reiher and Michael Kagen Welch. Pratt:Jarrett Bates. Greene State Line: Garry Hawthorne and Isabella Kittrell. Saint Francis Coy De Waal. Smithfield, Neb. Lakin:Tristen Cox, Shaylee Green. Girard Laney Shireman. Covington Mount Olive: Tehonnie Deshay Cooper, Amerie D Sherman and Keylan D Walker. Marion Sandy Hook:Aliyah Christiana Watts. WaKeeney:Caden Brown, Cole Feldt, Garrett Kuhn, Tyler Malsam. : Cheyenne Shockey. WaKeeney Dawson Arnold. Colby Brianna Barnett, Brandon Brier,Wendy Chavez, Robert Cheruiyot, Samantha Coulter, Gloria Di Lauro, Lorae Hessler, Miah Jackson, Kelvin Kipchirchir, Adriana Mendez, Laurel Myers, Olivia Navarro-Alsina, Amanda Neitzel, Kaitlyn Nelson, Jillian Niblock, Aaron Platt, Landon Rinehart, Lacy Weigel, Peyton Wahlmeier, Abigail Wetter and Jacob Wetter. Brazil Gabriel Oliveira.Burundi Estella Akimana. :Lindsey Rippen. Kit Carson, Colo. Brooke Crawford.Lincoln, Neb. Hancock Bay St Louis:Danae Celeste Fowler. Junction City Shayla Lowry. Colby: Hannah Bange, William Bradley, Carissa Brogan, Abigail Gardner, Seth Gundlach, Lorae Hessler, Laurel Myers, Amanda Neitzel, Claire Nelson, Aaron Platt, Landon Rinehart, Kelly Shull, Tyler Voss. Greene Leakesville: Scott James Brocious, Kayla Michele Dueitt, Dawson Craig Hobby, Madison Elizabeth King, Nicholas Levi McArn, Orlando J Polk and Caleb Bryce Sullivan. Butler Community College honors a graduating student with its highest honor. COLBY The registrar's office at Colby Community College has announced the names of students who achieved academic distinction for the fall 2022 semester. Dresden Candace Taylor. 1:29 The registrar's office at Colby Community College announced the names of students who achieved academic distinction for the fall 2020 semester. Victoria Ashley Lang, Daphne Gross. Norton Eladio Alvarez, Jacob Borgstadt, Juston Crane, Corey Eubanks, Aaron Griffith, Christopher Kessler, Zachary Lampe, Delfino Moya, Jeffery Reeder. Germany: Laura Bogen. Harrison Biloxi:Luke P Reyes, Devon T Smith and Markell G Smith. Rigby, Idaho:Taylor Sheppard. Lamar Hattiesburg:Alexis Mykala Cato, Morgan Josephine Durning, Skyler Len Hill, Katherine D Holm, Craig Erwin Plunges, John Riley Turner and Andrew Hunter Wu. :Garrett Hollenbeck. Tribune Samantha Foos. Severance, Colo. Macy Gurnsey. Jasper Bay Springs:Baylee M McCool and Christian Aaron Myers. : Katelyn Thompson. Honors are determined by an undergraduate student's cumulative GPA for all work at Columbia, with the top 5 percent of the graduating class being awarded summa cum Smith Morton:Tabitha G Bradshaw, Morgan H Prestage, Nathan I Prestage and Madeline Cait Price. Rexford:Toby Korte. Some names are not published at the request of the student. For inquiries, contact theVP of Students Affairs, Title IX and ADA Coordinator, Colby Community College, 1255 S. Range Ave., Colby, KS 67701. Denver, Colo.:Gavin Shary. Basehor Savannah Shiner. Harrison Long Beach: Ethan Todd Pittman and Miles Rhys Tootle. Oberlin Heather Fortin, Jeniffer Wolters. Laramie County Community College announces fall 2020 graduates and Jones Seminary:Sawyer Jace Griffith, Madison Chay Matthew and Adrian Noelle Nelson. Greene Leakesville:Ashton Kohl Clark, Mary D Dickerson, James Kaden Dixon, Jasper Nathaniel Everett, Jaren Delane Green. Lakin Danielle Harris. Jasper Louin:Holden L Brown, Jaisha T Dubose, Maylazia S Hardy, Santaeshia T Jenkins, Jacobi Moncriefand Erianna Nicole Walker. Names are listed by hometown or country, as indicated by the student. Ellis:Isabella Bollig. Graduates participating in commencement ceremonies will receive honor cords. Winnett, Mont. Natoma Bailey Pfortmiller. Quinter: Jonathan Sturgeon. Downsville, La:Brandon Carter. Harrison Gulfport:Raymond Jacob Collins and Elijah T Walker. Grainfield:Jett Schmidtberger. Clarke Enterprise:Anna Katherine McGowan, Ja'mya L Pickens and Brandon M Williams. The President's Honor Roll includes 96 students who earned a 4.0 grade point average. Beaver, Okla.:Marissa Froelich. 1255 South Range, Colby, KS 67701Call us at: 785.462.3984 or 888.634.9350. Salina:Courtney McCullough. Melvern:Julie Heslop. Philadelphia, Pa. Christine Connolly.Richmond, Texas De'Jah Vigilante. Syracuse:Amaya Ochs. Syracuse Harald Geven. Oskaloosa: Megan Miller. All Rights Reserved. Jones Heidelberg: Elijah T Gray, Ina J Knotts and Haden Todd Smith. Zolfo Springs, Fla: Dalton Kiella. Rolla: Melanie Norton. Junction City:Savannah Adams. Greensburg:Tina Banman. Colby Rebecca Aragon, Shelly Aufrecht, Amanda Barnum, Dryden Baumfalk, Seth Bredemeier, Kathy Brooks, Megan Dougherty, Megan Falia, Kayla Faus, Jonathan Funk, Jeremy Funk, Kelly Gates, Shannon Harris, Matthew Lambert, Leanna Larmer, Matt Raile, Angela Redmon, Abigail Rohr, Brady Rundel, Shanell Sager, Robet Schroeder, Wesley Stephenson, Anna Taylor, Kelsey Voss. Greeley, Colo.: Andi Padilla. Alton:Dakota Boland. Idalia, Colo. Linda Cordova. Wauneta, Neb. Columbia Falls, Mont. Colby Anica Wilson, Bubacarr Sisay, Mariah Thompson, Mauro Arancibia Campos, Tayler Bieberle, Mikayla Boyce. Girard:Laney Shireman.Goodland:Mychael Allen, Danielle Isham, Shayanna Smith. Long Pine, Neb. Meade:Corbyn Carr. ECCC Announces 2021 Spring Semester Honor Roll | East Central Community College Jump to navigation A-Z Directory Chapman:McKenna Kirkpatrick. Phillipsburg:Beth Vrbas, Kristen Wells. Copiah Crystal Springs:Lakieundria Zykhia Kangar. Harrison DIberville:Brooke Lashe' and Kameron Kristofer Dsean Williams. Kristin Weller. Colby Abigail Tarango, Brittany Alexander, Laura Schroeder, Tayber Haremza, Taylen Hubbell, Brandon Johnson, Joseph Unruh, Kory Finley, Kurt Schroeder, Austin Brier, Jakob Tubbs, Anica Jestratijevic, Makenna Mettlen, Kellyn Wahlmeier, Jordan Schippers, Aaron Schriner. Clovis, Calif. Brittany Grabast. Olathe: Jordan Pallesen. Council Grove Shyanne Allen. Goodland Hannah Eslinger. Winston Salem, N.C.:Anthony Sellars. Grinnell: Jordyn Vincent. Oberlin:Gage Scott. Miller, Neb. Colby Wesley Kiptoo Banguria, Jennifer Carter, Samantha Coulter, Parker Hamel, Timothy Hutfles, Makenzie Jolly, Abigael Kemboi, Bailey Menges, Flavia Ruiz, Micah Too, Ryan Voss, Kinley Ziegelmeier. Brewster Weston Schmidt. Wayne Waynesboro:Benjamin Kane Blackledge, Hannah Courtney Brewer, Stephanie Lean Brewer, Claire Lindsey Bunch, Hannah Adair Cascio, Jaylynn S Conner, David M Farrior, Crystal Gandy, Lance Dewayne Hamilton, Kadin P Johnston, Pablo Alexander Lopez, Makayla Paige Mason, Sarah Louise McCollough, Garret D Mccollough, Jailyn Denise Mozingo, Kacie Amanda Rigby, Elijah Holt Ross, Christina Lee See, Jennifer Elise Shirley and James C Trigg. Colby Community College. Newbern, TN:Nicholas Wallace Rushing and William Taylor Rushing. Grainfield Megan Heier. Gretna, Neb. Colby:Isabella Cheney, Gloria Di Lauro, Lynka Dusabe, Abigael Kemboi, Emma Maier, Jillian Niblock, Tatum Weinmann. Dodge City:Rachel Robertson. Berea, Ohio: Tyler Hampu. Saint Francis Janeth Perez-Medina. Waco, Tex. Colby Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, disability, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation or religion. Hays: Andrea Parker. Lakewood, Colo. Reece Noel. Scott City:Charity Weeks, Kylee Logan. Saint Francis:Lyden Lampe, Ashley Stickley. OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - Johnson County Community College is proud to release its honor roll recipients for the Fall 2022 semester: President's Honor Roll (PDF): Students have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours and have earned a 4.0 grade point average. Belleville:Tobi Wilber. Manhattan: Alexis Allen. Hoxie: Zayetsy Gomez. Emporia: Katie MacGregor. Jackson Vancleave:Taylor Elizabeth Butler and Andrew Shelton Williamson. Salina Mariah Woolsoncroft, St. Francis Christina Hilt. Colby: Isabella Cheney, Gloria Di Lauro, Lynka Dusabe, Abigael Kemboi, Emma Maier, Jillian Niblock, Tatum Weinmann. Republic of Latvia Rihards Sergis. To earn a place on a CCC honor roll, students must complete 12 or more credit hours and have no failing grades. Butler Community College recognizes students who maintain a 4.0 grade point average for the President's Honor Roll and a 3.50 - 3.99 grade point average for the Dean's Honor Roll. Ford:Rileigh Holcomb. Beavers Roll Over Colby Trojans in Beaver Dome - Pratt CC Gem:Carli Nieman, Kylah Smith. Bird City Rachel Keltz. Riverton, Utah Kaylee Christiansen. To earn a place on a CCC honor roll, students must complete 12 or more credit hours and have no failing grades. Wichita:Jordyn Hull. Jones College Honor Roll -Faculty List. For inquiries, contact theVP of Students Affairs, Title IX and ADA Coordinator, Colby Community College, 1255 S. Range Ave., Colby, KS 67701. Cheyenne Wells, Colo.: Kristy Ball. Grinnell Weston Lewis. Students named to the Vice Presidents Honor Roll include: Atwood Joanna Todd. Ogallala, Neb. Johnstown, Colo. Sophie Supernor. ELLISVILLE - Jones College has announced the 2022 Fall Semester honor roll scholars. Colby Community College is a 2-year institution located in Colby, KS, in a small town setting. Meade: Corbyn Carr. Saint Francis Katie Schmid. Oberlin Scott Zeigler. CCC Announces Fall Term Honor Roll Dec 22, 2022, 10:42 AM by CCC Staff A total of 445 students made the Clackamas Community College honor roll and 959 students made the president's list for fall term 2022. Washington:Emma Portenier. Marysville Brandi Crownover. Westminster, Md: Breana Gabel. Osborne:Helen Carlin. Deans List Fall 2021 | Holyoke Community College Simpson Magee:Abigail Aleece Green and Kaden W Harper. Oberlin Clayton Carter. The registrar's office at Colby Community College announced the names of students who achieved academic distinction for the fall 2021 semester. Deerfield Patrick Vanderknaap. Weston, Neb. Phillipsburg:Madysen Boydston, Emma Hunnacutt. Germany:Laura Bogen. Laramie County Community College announces fall 2021 honor roll 10th grade B honor roll: Kwadwo Amoah . Scott City: Charity Weeks. The President's Honor Roll includes 77 students who earned a 4.0 grade point average. Juniata, Neb. Ogallah:Kaley Logue. Community Colleges of Spokane is a dynamic, 12,300-square-mile state community college district that includes Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College and six rural education sites, serving residents in Pend Oreille, Stevens, Whitman, Ferry and parts of Lincoln counties. Salina: Dakota Hartman. Benkelman, Neb. Firestone, Colo.:Emily Sauvageau. Sharon Springs:Connor Kuhlman. Sterling Skylar Eidson. 785.460.5490. For inquiries, contact theVP of Students Affairs, Title IX and ADA Coordinator, Colby Community College, 1255 S. Range Ave., Colby, KS 67701. Belleville Tobi Wilber. Smith Bay Springs: Zachary W Buckley, Carly Nicole Hendry, Tyler T Keyes, Issac Gage Phillips and Jayvion Thigpen. Plainville:Chayse McCullough. Broomfield, Colo.:Reese Mansur. More articles in the news archive. Daareino J. Abatiell, Brittany G. Abblitt, Hudson G . Plan your morning commute or road trip for Timioara, Timi, RO with the help of our live traffic cams and local road condition reports Marion Columbia:Hays C Carley, Kameron Taylor Carter, Jamie Lavoy Lambert, Olivia Danielle Lewis,Abby Claire Morris, Trevor A Rowell. Canada Nathan Stark, Rhys Cornell, Logan Hofmann, Andrew Asselin, Matthew Coutney, Tyler McWillie, Tucker Zdunich, Ethan Francis. : Kamryn Hughes. North Platte, Neb. Madison Madison:Madison F Horel and Gatlin Mackenzie Sanders. Millry, AL:Mary Grace Becton, Christina Foster and Lakandies Mona Walton. Phillipsburg: Anahy Sandoval-Sanchez, Zadok Taylor. Honor Roll: Fall 2022 Dec 23, 2022 Rockingham Community College is pleased to announce that 76 students were named to the President's List and 101 to the Dean's List for the Fall 2022 semester. . Damar Zachary Arnberger. Merriah Bockmann. Syracuse: Amaya Ochs. Herriman, Utah:Alexa Wade. Perry Richton:Adam Gabriel Aycock, Savanna Michelle Bowar, Brookelyn G Brewer, Cayne JeridHensarling, Richard Brannon Riley and Conner Albert Rutherford. Araphaoe, Colo.:Jacelyn Allen. Poland: Marta Roicka. North Platte, Neb. Culbertson, Neb. Click here to download. Larned:Zackerey Beltz. News tip; Share Video . Goodland Emily Smith. Quinter:Dominga Perez-Perez. Scott City:Brian Galaviz-Chavez, Krista McDaniel, Kenlea Stegman. Hartington, Neb. Osborne: Sarah Seifert. Spain:Pablo Avalos, Claudia Font Torres. 1,412 Total . North Platte, Neb. Leoti: Dora Langdon-Seaton. Larned: Madison Bainter. Dakota Hartman. Oakley: Carla Johnson, Kylie Park, Sean Runnalls, Dane Scheetz, Cody Zimmerman. Megan Finegan. Jones Laurel:Erin Elizabeth Anderson, Tanner R Anderson, Jonathan Carl Baldwin, Cameron H Beech,William Colby Beech, Bradyn C Bigler, Braxton Kirk Bolivar, Kaelyn Bryce Bufkin, Cameron Jason Buxton, Coley Clayton Clark, Jatavion Clayton, Mark Terrell Darensburg, Silas M Ensign, Ja'miracle Kathryn Escamillia, Chazz Emil Fountain, Oscar Javier Gomez, Karlee Green, Gabrielle Breanna Hankins, Kylie Harrison, Brodie Haverlock, Juan C Hernandez, Autumn Paige Holifield, Emma Faith Holifield, Tacora Monique Houston, AlishaLa'shantaHudson, Ronald James Hughes, Halee D Johnson,Cortias Travon Jones, Halie Morgan Jones, Mary Kilpatrick, Malia Akira McDonald, Christopher BMelton, Jaqueline Mendez, Michelle Mendez, Carlos Mendoza, Briana Nicole Middleton, Chrystal Daniela Mixtega, Antonio L Moncivais, Dallas Austin Moody, Kelli Brooke Moore, Chase Madison Myrick, Isabella Charay Parker, Dani Marie Perna, Cameron Michael Pippen, Kambri Annalyse Pippin, Raegan Alisia Pitts, Delmer Lara Ponce, Jarrett Dalton Pugh, Chloe N Riddle, Francisco Antonio Rivera, Kristen Lynn Robertson, Todd Kelton Rogers, Bailey E Rowell, Jakarta Kyannah Ruffin, Alishia R Satcher, Lindsie R Saul, Tylee P Shows, Alayna Kathleen Smith, Gary Chase Smith, Stephen Tyler Smith, Alexandria T Stephenson, Richard B Stokes, Alexis Sierra Thompson, Dylan T Walker, Dylan Conley Walters, Ethan Paul Walters, Khara Leann Walters, Weslee Rece Walters, Alexia Carol Watkins, Michael Chris West, Avery J Whigham, Amiah Gabrielle White, Kaydence Wilde, Andrew B Williams and Peyton Alese Williams.

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